Dear Trinity Family,
I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy. I want to take a moment and share some
thoughts with you. These are certainly challenging times and unchartered territory for all of
us. It’s sad to see so many people sickened and dying as a result of COVID-19. As you know,
we made the decision to suspend church meetings two weeks ago, on March 18. At that time
I didn’t fully explain of our reasons for the decision but said in the announcement “out of
concern for the health or our church family, and due to the new government
I would like to give further explanation here. The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in VA
was on March 7. On March 15 there were 45 confirmed cases. On March 16 there were 51.
On March 17 Governor Northam followed the recommendations of federal authorities and
the VA State Health Commissioner and issued an order restricting certain public gatherings
to no more than 10 people. Despite the fact that some people in the wider community
believed the government was overreacting to the situation and blowing it out of proportion,
we decided that we weren’t willing to take a chance with your health, and especially with
the lives of the elderly among us. Besides, it just made common sense that with limited
contact the chances of catching and spreading the virus would be decreased. People are
contagious before showing symptoms, so could easily infect others without realizing it.
However, I also want to point out that there is much more to consider than just our own
desires and wants related to being able to attend church or other church related activities.
It’s not about us! From a Biblical standpoint, we want to love our neighbors as ourselves
(Matthew 22:37-39). That means being socially responsible and not putting ourselves in a
position to potentially spread a serious virus. It means not putting added and unnecessary
pressure on the local health system. We also want to be good witnesses to the community
and to obey the Lord by obeying the government’s directives in this matter (Romans 13:1).
So all of those factors were reasons for our decision to suspend church meetings.
Unfortunately, as I’m sure you all are aware, the situation is now much worse and the
“peak” of new infections isn’t expected until a few more weeks from now. On Monday of this
week Governor Northam issued a “stay at home” order. So, we obviously cannot yet resume
church meetings for the foreseeable future. In the meantime, I encourage all of us to be
reading the Bible regularly and to be in prayer for each other, our neighbors, our leaders,
first responders and healthcare professionals. Be on the alert for how you can encourage
and minister to your neighbors and one another. I also strongly encourage you, regardless
of whether you’re single or married, to spend time on Sunday mornings worshipping and
spending time focused on the Lord. Each week I will be putting out suggestions for possible
studies for Sunday mornings. Be of good cheer! Jesus is Lord! COVID-19 is an unfortunate
part of living in a fallen world, but Jesus has overcome the world! Despite this temporary
difficulty, God will use it to accomplish His purposes and we have an eternal hope! May our
loving heavenly Father bless and keep you.
Pastor David